In Peckham, south-east London, there is a lovely little herb garden at the back of a Baptist church. It has been run by Christina Borgenstierna, who has been developing the garden, adding in a great variety of medicinal herbs, for the space available, and who has organised many herb talks, relating to different systems of the body. I led a talk recently on the Cardiovascular System, Heart Health & Herbal Medicine. They have arranged for different medical herbalists to come in to give presentations on herbal medicine use in other body systems.
The course, named the Medicinal Herb Project, runs on Wednesdays 10-12am, up until the 29th of October 2014 at
121 Peckham Park Road Community Garden, London. SE15 6SX and is open to new participants,
These workshops are still to follow:
8th October 2014: Talk about The Digestive System
15th October 2014: Foraging Walk (weather permitting)
22nd October 2014: Making Calendula (marigold) Cream
29th October 2014: Talk about the Skin
The course will recommence on the 4th of March 2015 until the 6th of May 2015.
They also have Community Gardening Sessions where you can learn to grow vegetables, and look after the flower garden.
For more information, please contact Christina at

Giving a talk on Cardiovascular Health & Herbs at the Medicinal Herb Project