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Herbal medicine is the most ancient form of medicine, steeped in intriguing history, with modern day scientific research to back how effective it is in treating a vast range of complex conditions. With scientific research, more is known and understood today about the phytochemical constituents of plants, and how those constituents interact physiologically, in the body, and with pharmaceutical drugs.
Medical Herbalists work with patients to learn the individual's full medical history; also covering diet and lifestyle. The first consultation lasts approximately an hour to 90 minutes, and questions are asked about all systems of the body to get a picture of a patient's overall health. This allows us to discover information on the root cause of a presenting health complaint; and also provides the information required to treat the body holistically; ie. as a whole, rather than just symptomatically.
Medical Herbalists are also trained in clinical skills and differential diagnosis; and allow time for a consultation to really get to know the case.
Practitioners of herbal medicine commonly see many conditions also seen by GP's. These regularly include cases of high blood pressure, cardiovascular system/circulatory disorders, digestive complaints, insomnia, anxiety, asthma, allergies, skin conditions, PCOS, menopause symptoms, infertility, IBS, thyroid disorders, erectile dysfunction, fibroids, arthritis, low immunity, cystitis and recurring infections, amongst many others.
Herbal medicine can offer much support, with low chance of side effects and great safety records, when prescribed by qualified practitioners. Herbal medicines, being derived from natural plant products, are made up of a wide number of constituents, each providing a variety of benefits that work synergistically. This can often differ from pharmaceutical drugs which tend to focus on one specific symptom.
Stephanie Caley has her own herbal dispensary, stocking herbal remedies from highly reputable herbal suppliers. It is mainly organic, bio-dynamic and fresh herb tinctures that are stocked. Dried herbs, which are always organic where possible, as well as pessaries, capsules, and bespoke creams, are also dispensed, as required. Products also available on a retail basis via Caley's Apothecary.

© 2010-2024 Themedicalherbalistlondon.co.uk I Photos © Stephanie Caley
Caley's Apothecary
4 Acorn Court, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9AL
The Light Centre
151/153 Clapham High Street, London. SW4 7SS
Tel: 01953 602237 or 07508 793 166
e-mail: stephanie@themedicalherbalistlondon.co.uk